Project Description
We introduce a multiresolution reconstruction technique based on DT-MRI streamlining for simplified global myocardial model generation. Our reconstructions can restore the most complex myocardial structures and indicate a global helical organizatio
Hospital Sant Pau
Deep understanding of myocardial structure of the heart would unravel crucial knowledge for clinical and medical procedures. Although the muscular architecture of the heart has been debated by countless researchers, the controversy is still alive. Diffusion Tensor MRI, DT-MRI, is a unique imaging technique for computational validation of the muscular structure of the heart. By the complex arrangement of myocites, existing techniques can not provide comprehensive descriptions of the global muscular architecture.We introduce a multiresolution reconstruction technique based on DT-MRI streamlining for simplified global myocardial model generation. Our reconstructions can restore the most complex myocardial structures and indicate a global helical organization
[slideshare id=22869202&doc=poveda-keynotecdmri-130612113733-phpapp01]