Enric Martí joined the Computer Science Department at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1986. In 1991 he got his Phd degree. Nowadays, he is working a project director in the Computer Vision Centre. His work includes low resolution text segmentation from websites. He has been a peer reviewer for the Computer & Graphics and Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis journal.
Contact: enric@cvc.uab,es

Aura earned her Phd in 2009, in the area of mathematics. She has worked in the past in several biomedical projectes related to the Arterial Dynamics and Structures in IntraVascular Ultrasound Sequences, as well as the myocardium geometry. She also teaches for the undergraduate students at the UAB, in the area of computer science.
Contact: aura@cvc.uab.es

Carles Sánchez received his MS degree in Computer Science at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2009. The same year he joined the Computer Vision Center (CVC) where he obtained his Msc in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2011 and his C¡computer science Ph.D in 2014 focused on automatic calculation of trecheal-stenosis degree in videobronchoscopy. His research interests are related to medical imaging, intelligent intervention (planification and guidance) support systems, intelligent radiomics for personalised diagnosis.
Contact: csanchez@cvc.uab.cat
Agnés Borràs received her MS degree in Computer Science at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2000. The same year she joined the Computer Vision Center (CVC) where she obtained her BA degree in 2002 and her Ph.D in 2009. In 2010 she recieved a master’s degree on videogame design at the UAB. Her research interests are related to 3D modelling, pattern recognition and human perception.
Contact: agnesba@cvc.uab.es

Patricia has a background in mathematics and received her Msc in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2010. She is doing a PhD on Computer Science at the Computer Vision Center and she has a grant from the Spanish government within the Miocardia project. Her research interests are related with optical flow techniques, 3D reconstruction, and medical imaging.
Contact: pmarquez@cvc.uab.es

Sergio finished his MS degree in Computer Science at the UAB in 2010, focusing his master thesis in X-Ray images of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. While he pursues his PhD. degree, he is working at Alma IT Systems and his research focuses on volume parameterization using medial manifold information. His research interests also include Image segmentation and scientific python and open source applications.
Contact: sergio.vera@alma3d.com

Toni Gurguí received his MS degree in Multimedia Technologies at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2011. That year he joined the Center of Ambient Intelligence and Accessibility of Catalunya (CAIAC). In 2014 he began his PhD at the Computer Vision Center (CVC). His research interests are related to 3D face modelling, facial expression synthesis and mesh registering techniques.
Contact: antoni.gurgui@uab.cat

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